Marilyn 6th December 2020

Hi Dad, another Christmas is around the corner, another one without you and Mum, but at least you are together. You know people always say time is a healer, but it's not, you just try and live with the loss of losing you. All the family feel the same and we talk about you all the time "Pete the Feet", "By Jove", all your funny ways, and all the advice you gave us. So many times things happen, and I always want to tell you, or ask you what you would do. I'm reminded of you everyday, and want that to continue. I watch the video of your last birthday and it still makes me laugh, and I hope you and Mum have a laugh with me. I know you are there, I can sometimes feel you. I will always love you, and miss you, but that is selfish cos you have Mum, and that means the world. Love you Dad xxx